
Question de foi – 14 Avril 2019 L’article Question de foi – 14 Avril 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

Découvertes – 15 Avril 2019 L’article Découvertes – 15 Avril 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

Back to School: Insecurity on  compuses, administrators ‘face the bull by the horn’

  School campuses have recently been the  centre of a number of tragic incidents involving students. Only recently Berliot Tsanou a student at the Government Bilingual High School Deido, Douala was stabbed by his former mate. Other cases of  skirmishes … Continue reading

Back to School : The decisive third term begins in earnest   

Classes have resumed for the third and final term in schools nationwide this Monday, 15th April 2019. After a two-week break, pupils and students were back on the streets as early  as 6:00 am this 15th April 2019. Some trekked, … Continue reading

Agrément des manuels scolaires : la Commission examine 49 ouvrages

Les œuvres retenues au terme de la session de validation des manuels scolaires de la classe de Seconde ouverte ce 15 avril 2019 à Yaoundé seront intégrés dès la rentrée scolaire 2020-2021 pour une durée de 6 ans. Les membres … Continue reading

International News roundup: updatesupdates from Ghana, Sudan and Libya

Ghana: Palm Sunday turns tragic At least five people have been killed in a landslide that followed a three hour heavy downpour in Ghana’s political capital in the night of Palm Sunday, 14th April 2019. Ghana’s national Disaster Management organisation … Continue reading

Can U17 Tanzanie 2019 : entrée réussie pour les bébés LIONS

Thomas Libih et ses poulains ont dominé le Syli national de Guinée 2 buts à 0 pour leur première sortie. Les Lions cadets avaient presque l’obligation de remporter cette première rencontre. Logés dans la poule B avec deux nations puissantes, … Continue reading

CHAN 2020: ce sera au Cameroun

Le Comité exécutif, réuni au Caire le 13 Avril dernier a décidé de retirer l’organisation à l’Ethiopie au profit du Cameroun. « Parmi les décisions importantes, il y’a (…) le retrait du CHAN de l’Ethiopie en 2020 et on a … Continue reading

Memve’ele Hydroelectric plant: The  project to light the South region and beyond almost complete

The Memve’ele Hydroelectric power plant is one of the biggest in Cameroon with a capacity of  211 megawatts of electricity.  The constructions phase of the power plant that began in 2011 entered its decisive phase after signing of the work … Continue reading

National Textbook Commission: Forty-three books under evaluation

The National Council for the Approval of Textbooks and Didactic Materials is meeting in a four-day session to examine textbooks for the Seconde class of the Francophone subsystem of education. Forty-three selected textbooks are up for evaluation by thirteen experts … Continue reading