Alamine Ousmane Mey: «le Cameroun a les atouts pour réussir son 1er eurond de 750 milliards FCfa»Conformément à un décret présidentiel signé le 6 février 2015, la filiale camerounaise de la Standard Chartered Bank et la Société générale Paris ont officiellement reçu le 10 février 2015 à Yaoundé, la lettre de mandat du gouvernement camerounais, afin de mobiliser sur le marché inte... Cameroonian leader promises victory over Boko Haram insurgencyThe Cameroonian head of state Paul Biya has in a speech to the nation delivered on Tuesday, promised the victory of the joint multilateral force (FMM) in the fight against the Nigeria-based Islamist sect Boko Haram which has claimed responsibility for deadly attacks in the far-northern part of the c... Mise à prix de la tête d’Abubakar Shekau: 7 millions de dollarsLe sulfureux leader de Boko Haram est désormais placé entre mille feux. Sa tête vient d’être mise à prix par les Etats?Unis d’Amérique. C’est l’une des annonces proprement déterminantes faites par S.E. Michael S. Hoza dans un communiqué parvenu à notre rédaction le 06 février 2015... Head of State’s message on the occasion of the 49th edition of the National Youth DayDear young compatriots, In my address to you at this same time last year, I gave you a glimpse of our renewed economic growth and, of course, positive job creation prospects. Well, this recovery was confirmed in the course of last year. There are statistics to prove it. As I mentioned in my 2014 end... Le chairman du SDF s’adresse à la jeunesse et demande aux jeunes de garder espoirChers jeunes Camerounais, peuple de jeune, Il m’incombe l’honneur de me joindre á la Nation á ce moment entièrement consacré á vous. Vous méritez amplement cette attention et nous souhaitons d’en être digne. Non pas á vous en enorgueillissant de votre statut de privilégié -c’est qu... MTN Cameroon appoints CMOThe Chief Executive Officer of MTN Cameroon, Mr. Karl O. Toriola, has announced the appointmentof Mrs. Linda Kouam Kamche to the position of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of MTN Cameroon. In her capacity as CMO, Linda Kouam Kamche will be responsible for providing strategic direction and for ensurin... Nexttell Cameroon to lose 3G exclusivity – reportMobile operator Viettel Cameroon, which trades as Nexttel, is unlikely to convince the government to agree to extend its 3G exclusivity, which will share its major asset with all of the country’s operators. Agence Ecofin’s Beaugas-Orain Djoyum said it was time for Nexttel to reduce its c... Hayatou to increase CAF age-limitLong-serving CAF president Issa Hayatou is seeking to change his organisation’s rules on age-limits for office bearers in order to continue at the helm well into the next decade. CAF currently requires officials who reach 70 to step down but a proposal to scrap the age-limit is to be placed before... Les Français regardent de nouveau vers l’AfriqueLe continent africain présente de nouvelles opportunités pour les start-up françaises. La «?French Tech?» aurait-elle délaissé l’Afrique ? Malgré les liens culturels entre la France et ce continent, peu de start-up tricolores font de l’Afrique leur priorité, préférant miser sur l’Eu... Give thanks to the troops who are fighting for our country!There’s no better time than the time of war to let our troops know how grateful we are for everything that they do in the fight against the Nigerian so called Islamist group, which is rather a group of barbaric thugs AKA Boko Haram. |