
Objets connectés : les Français encore frileux

Les objets connectés semblent encore avoir du mal à convaincre les Français. Principaux problèmes ? Le prix, l’obsolescence des technologies et la confidentialité des données.

#Conext 2016

Ce rendez-vous annuel du commerce connecté propose trois journées dédiées aux enjeux actuels et futurs de toutes les formes de commerce avec au programme un espace innovation, un village international, un Retail Tour #conext axé sur la digitalisation du point … Continue reading


7ème Edition de cet événement dédié aux professionnels du digital avec deux jours de conférences, de workshops, de rencontres et d’échanges autour du thème ” Hack your success ! “. Les 4 et 5 octobre 2016 à la Maison de … Continue reading

Tour de France 2016: quelles sont les marques qui rayonnent?

Tandis que l’issue finale de l’édition 2016 approche, Synthesio, la plateforme de Social Intelligence, nous offre un premier bilan à mi-parcours de la visibilité médiatique des marques partenaires du Tour.

19% off Polaroid ZIP Mobile Photo Printer with ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology – Deal Alert

Enjoy the power and fun of a Polaroid camera without the Polaroid camera. This little standalone photo printer connects to your phone or tablet via Bluetooth, and is powered by a rechargeable lithium polymer battery, so it’s designed to be portable, … Continue reading


Microsoft will give you a new laptop if it can’t upgrade your system to Windows 10

Microsoft is offering a new twist on its usual “Upgrade to Windows 10″ schtick: Show up in person, and you can win a free system or a $150 credit towards the same if they can’t get you running on Windows … Continue reading

ARM-Cortex A72

Japan’s SoftBank offers ARM a $32 billion buyout

SoftBank announced this morning that its made a $32 billion bid for ARM Holdings. The acquisition could mean huge opportunities for the Cambridge, UK company, but there are potential risks as well.

Apple’s song royalty rate proposal would hit Spotify right in the wallet

Apple’s latest move to shake up the music industry could up-end Spotify’s entire business model. The company filed a proposal late last week with the Copyright Royalty Board, a commission of three judges appointed by the Librarian of Congress to … Continue reading

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

ET deals: Get a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B on Amazon

Ever wanted to make your own custom set-top box? What about building your own robot? If those kinds of projects interest you, the best place to start is the Raspberry Pi. This tiny computer is widely supported, extremely flexible, and … Continue reading


Analyzing ant ‘hive minds’ could improve network performance

Now, envision ants moving in a circle instead of forward. Buffering…