
Cameroon Calling of August 22, 2022 on CRTV   L’article Cameroon Calling of August 22, 2022 on CRTV est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

The 3pm Radio News of August 23, 2022 on CRTV L’article The 3pm Radio News of August 23, 2022 on CRTV est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

Le JP des Régions du 23 Août 2022 sur la CRTV L’article Le JP des Régions du 23 Août 2022 sur la CRTV est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

The 6:30am Radio News of August 23, 2022 on CRTV L’article The 6:30am Radio News of August 23, 2022 on CRTV est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

More Floods and Landslides Hit NW/SW Regions as Rainy Season Returns

Floodings and landslides have been a constant nightmare to denizens in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon for about three decades now. The torrential rains witnessed during the rainy season have resulted in many death and the … Continue reading

Poor Oral Hygiene is Main Cause of Halitosis

There are several causes of Halitosis, also known as bad breath . But health experts say the health disorder mostly results from poor oral hygiene. Halitosis is an oral health condition that causes a an individual to emanate an unpleasant … Continue reading

Dette publique: la CAA mise sur la viabilité des emprunts

Pour relever ce défi, la Caisse autonome d’amortissement (CAA) du Cameroun accompagne le gouvernement à négocier les financements extérieurs et intérieurs et à les rembourser sans contraintes.   La dette publique  représente les engagements financiers contractés par l’État. En effet, … Continue reading

Le nouvel immeuble siège CAA inauguré

C’était sous la présidence du Premier ministre, Joseph Dion Ngute, représentant du chef de l’Etat ce 24 août 2022 au boulevard du 20 mai à Yaoundé.     L’immeuble siège de la Caisse autonome d’amortissement (CAA) se dresse fièrement au … Continue reading

Bamenda, Maroua and Bafoussam, Cameroon’s Most Expensive Towns

Bamenda, Maroua and Bafoussam are the most expensive towns in Cameroon, with a high cost of living. The National Institute of Statistics made this information public in its recent semester report on the cost of living in Cameroon. According to … Continue reading

UNECA Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe Resigns

Many people especially Cameroonians, are yet to come to terms with the resignation of the United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Vera Songwe. The UN Official announced her resignation on Monday, … Continue reading