
Le JT Bilingue de Midi – 19 Juillet 2019

L’article Le JT Bilingue de Midi – 19 Juillet 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

The Midday Bilingual TV Newscast – 19th July 2019

L’article The Midday Bilingual TV Newscast – 19th July 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

Government communication : The administration focuses on communication units

  Thirty-eight heads of communication units from ministries and state-owned corporations met in Yaounde on 16th July to harmonize and render government communication more dynamic. Rene Emmanuel Sadi, Minister of Communication and government spokesman chaired the meeting. The Ministry of … Continue reading

Japan-Cameroon: Crtv and the Japanese government partner to upgrade the corporation’s technical facilities

  A partnership agreement has been signed between the Cameroon Radio Television and the Japanese International Corporation Agency-JICA,  for the rehabilitation of some Crtv broadcast studios and other technical facilities . Charles Ndongo, Crtv Director General signed for the corporation … Continue reading

2019 Ecrans Noirs: organizers introduce attractive Innovations for children

The 23rd edition of the “Ecran Noir” festival is unfolding with lots of innovations for children. Workshops on moral and civic education, filmmaking, and film projections, are some of the activities attracting large numbers of children. These special activities are … Continue reading

2019 Baccalaureate results released: A period for rejoicing or regrets

  It’s celebration in some quarters and languishing in others following the publication of the 2019 Baccalaureate result. This Friday 19th June at lycée de mballa 2 Yaounde , it was a steady queue of earger students, (some in the … Continue reading

Convention : la Crtv et la Jica s’accordent

Ce vendredi 19 juillet marquait la fin des trois semaines de travail d’experts japonais au sein de la Crtv, et la signature du procès verbal de discussion.   La Crtv et la Jica (Japanese International Cooperation Agency), représentant respectivement le … Continue reading

The 7:30 TV Newscast – 19th July 2019

L’article The 7:30 TV Newscast – 19th July 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.

#NOSO: bilan de la visite du Général Meka

Au terme de sa visite cette semaine dans ces régions en crise, le général René Claude Meka, Chef-d’Etat-Major des Armées, a déclaré que la situation sur le terrain est sous contrôle.   Toucher du doigt la réalité de terrain dans … Continue reading

Le JT de 20h30 – 19 Juillet 2019

L’article Le JT de 20h30 – 19 Juillet 2019 est apparu en premier sur Cameroon Radio Television.