Author Archives: admin

Germany without key stars for clash against Cameroon

Germany captain Phlipp Lahm, who is nursing an ankle knock, and goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who has a shoulder injury, both sit out the Moenchengladbach match. The Bayern Munich pair have both only been able to take a limited part in … Continue reading

Allemagne –  Diaspora : la qualité des médicaments consommés au Cameroun par Liliane Streit-Juotsa

Allemagne – Diaspora : la qualité des médicaments consommés au Cameroun par Liliane Streit-Juotsa

Deux semaines d´enquêtes et de recherches à travers le Cameroun ont rapidement permis à Liliane Streit-Juotsa de toucher du doigt la réalité exacte de la qualité du médicament consommé par nos populations : conditions de conservation inadéquates, délestages récurrents, contrefaçon, … Continue reading

Cameroun,Niat Eric: «l’avenir du basket dans notre pays nous laisse rêveur»

Un stade nouvellement réalisé a abrité un événement d’envergure nationale. Quels peuvent les critères qui ont prévalus au choix de Bangangté ?

Hugo NYAME – Békindi ba Singui

Hugo NYAME – Békindi ba Singui Excellente chanson extraite de l'album OURAGAN, de l'artiste Hugo NYAME Hugo NYAME (2014) From: erickbwambi Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 04:26 More in Music

Editorial: A Time To Show Not Only National But Also Christian Solidarity

By Ireneaus Chongwain Chia Cameroon is standing at the crossroads in its fight against terrorists from neighbouring countries who are determined to shatter the proverbial peace that this country has known for a long time. Cameroonians may not all understandably … Continue reading


First Cameroonian Maroua-Mokolo Bishop Consecrated, asked to foster inter-religious dialogue

By John Neba The new Bishop of Maroua-Mokolo Diocese, Mgr. Bruno Ateba Edo has been exhorted to renew the old spirit of the Pallotine Fathers by promoting peace between Christians and Moslems. The Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, … Continue reading

Final Communiqué of the 39th Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of Cameroon

1-    The Bishops of Cameroon held their 39th Plenary Assembly from May 05 to 10, 2014 in Yaoundé on the reception of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium”. Taking part were Douala Emeritus Archbishop His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi, the … Continue reading

Ben Skin

Cameroun,Moto-Taxi : la mort au rendez-vous !

Avec l'état piteux de certaines de nos routes, l'enclavement de plusieurs de nos villages reculés, les motos taxis sont devenus incontournables pour se déplacer dans le pays profond. Il y a de cela par exemple un peu plus de trois … Continue reading


Declaration of the Bishops of Cameroon on growing insecurity in Cameroon

1-    We the Bishops of Cameroon, have on several occasions, raised concerns  about the question of insecurity in our country. Meeting for our 39th Plenary Assembly in Yaoundé, we are coming back to the question today because of the problems … Continue reading