Author Archives: admin

Cameroun – Lions Indomptables : à la chasse au bouc-émissaire

Débacle des Lions Indomptables: On cherche le bouc-émissaire. Joseph Owona ou Samuel Eto’o? qui est responsable de cette tragédie sportive? Va t-on encore faire comme en 2010? Pas de compte à rendre? Jean-Marc Soboth –À chaque débâcle de l’équipe du … Continue reading

Minuum bringing its odd keyboard to Android Wear

Minuum, an oddball third-party keyboard built for simplicity, is making its way to Android Wear, or more specifically, to the Moto 360, as detailed on the company’s blog.  With Android Wear getting a proper introduction during Google I/O tomorrow, it … Continue reading


REVUE DE PRESSE DU 24 JUIN 2014 PARTIE1 From: Canal Afrique Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 08:44 More in News & Politics

Bonuses to Be Doubled for Ivoirians in Case of Win Over Greece!

[Africa Top Sports]This is the message released this weekend by Guillaume Soro, president of the National Assembly of Côte d’Ivoire to the Elephants.

PS Workshop

Could sanctioned game mods on PS4 and Xbox stave off Valve’s attack on consoles?

Microsoft and Sony seem to be too afraid of potential piracy and security issues to consider letting average nerds hack away at their favorite games. However, Steam machines are coming next year, and that could turn everything on its head.

Alexandre Song Suspended for 3 Games

[Africa Top Sports]Alexandre Song now knows his fate. The Cameroonian midfielder guilty of a very ugly gesture last week on Croatian Mario Mandzukic was sanctioned by the Disciplinary Committee of FIFA.

Sunrise for iOS and Android is the ultimate Google Calendar companion

Until recently, we didn’t have very many solid third-party calendar apps for Android. Not that there’s anything wrong with the calendar that’s already on your phone, but it’s nice to have options, especially considering how many beautiful calendars there are … Continue reading

Chinese Workers Abandon Construction Sites

[VOA]Chinese workers have abandoned road construction and mining exploration sites in northern Cameroon in the wake of last month’s kidnapping of 10 workers by suspected Boko Haram rebels.

Cord cutters, beware: AT&T’s DirecTV buy affects you, too

Having cut the cable cord, you may glance at the current landscape of big cable providers snapping up slightly-less-big-though-still-large rivals and decide that these megadeals have nothing to do with you. After all, you’re getting your entertainment from other sources—over-the-air … Continue reading

Cameroun,Cameroon - Débâcle des Lions : Est-ce encore la faute à Iya Mohammed ?

Cameroun – Débâcle des Lions : Est-ce encore la faute à Iya Mohammed ?

La mésaventure de l’équipe nationale du Cameroun, les Lions indomptables, à la 20e édition de la Coupe du monde de football Brésil 2014 continue. Après leur défaite concédée devant le Mexique (0-1), le 13 juin, et la raclée subie cinq … Continue reading