Author Archives: admin

La Suisse signe un accord avec le Cameroun

En visite officielle au Cameroun, la conseillère fédérale a conclu vendredi un accord de coopération migratoire avec ce pays. Outre l’accord migratoire, un second portant sur la suppression réciproque de l’obligation de visa pour les titulaires d’un passeport diplomatique a … Continue reading

You Should Play: Dark platformer Oscura: Second Shadow holds its own amongst copycats

These days, keeping up with games can be a full-time job. So how do you separate the signal from the noise, the wheat from the chaff, the Temple Runs from the Temple Jumps? Allow us to help by regularly selecting … Continue reading

TI-Cameroon Urges Women to Denounce Acts of Corruption

[Cameroon Tribune]Some women’s association representatives are being trained in Yaounde by Transparency International-Cameroon.

Some server racks

Shellshock: A deadly new vulnerability that could lay waste to the internet

There’s a new internet-crippling zero-vulnerability in town called Shellshock. It potentially affects around half of all websites on the internet (around 500 million), and millions or billions more internet-connected devices such as routers, smartphones. In simple terms, this means that … Continue reading

Governor Evaluates Ebola Prevention, Truck Control

[Cameroon Tribune]Of the 3,150,000 passengers checked at the Douala International Airport, none has been found Ebola positive.

150 Borno Refugees Died in Cameroon Border Camp

[Vanguard]Maiduguri -Authorities of Ngala Local Government Area in Borno state has Thursday said that over 150 displaced persons died at the Fotokol border resettlement camp in Cameroon from diarrhea, malaria and other water borne diseases, as medication and healthcare services … Continue reading

Postal Infrastructure – Efficiency Standards in Gestation

[Cameroon Tribune]Experts looked at stakes and challenges of celerity in mail delivery in Yaounde on Thursday September 25, 2014.



Dodo Nkongo  joue à la guitare mais sa particularité à lui lorsqu’il chante c’est de multiplier les voix comme  les imitateurs qu’on regarde à la télévision, c’est un acrobate des octaves qu’on retrouve tous les Dimanches au Piment Club de … Continue reading

Terrorism: Doubts on reports of Boko Haram leader’s death

Abubakar Sheakau alive on the left and death on the right. The US is voicing some doubts about the killing of the Boko Haram leader. Did anyone doubted the Bin Laden killing? The Nigerian and Cameroonian Armed forces will defeat … Continue reading


Cameroun,Affaire Guerandi: Maurice Kamto pour une commission internationale d’enquête

Le Mouvement pour la renaissance du Cameroun (Mrc), parti d’opposition, que préside l’ex-ministre délégué à la Justice, estime que l’opération  d’enlèvement et d’exécution présumée de l’ex-opposant à Paul Biya qui s’est déroulée dans plusieurs pays, appelle à une mobilisation multilatérale. … Continue reading