Author Archives: admin


A magnetoelectric ‘spin’ on stimulating the brain

The shape of the ultimate brain computer interface is just beginning to be grasped. New nanoparticle stimulation techniques, and optical fiber readouts, may be combined to give us next-generation neural hardware.

Nigeria : la création d’une force armée africaine au cœur d’un sommet

Les chefs d’État du Nigeria, du Tchad, du Cameroun, du Bénin et du Niger se sont réunis, ce jeudi, afin d’évoquer la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Boko Haram. Ces pays comptent mettre en place une force armée africaine.

Géopolitique: Construction des Etats-Unis d’Afrique et alternance politique vont-elles de pairs ?

Les dirigeants africains au pouvoir sur plusieurs décennies sont-ils présentés à leur peuple dans l’image de dirigeant fainéant ou incompétent à quelle fin si ce n’est la course à l’alternance politique dans les pays du viseur de la mafia des … Continue reading

Chieftaincy Squabbles Rock Santa Subdivision

[Cameroon Tribune] For some years now, the people of Santa Sub-division in Mezam Division of the North West Region have been having some disagreements over if they have First, Second or Third Class Chief or if some communities have been … Continue reading

Fake Treasury Bond – 25 State Workers in Court

[Cameroon Tribune] 25 State agents, Senior State and Contract workers from the Ministry of Finance have been called up by the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in Yaounde for the misappropriation of public funds, complicity in the embezzlement of public fund, … Continue reading

Cameroon to Host 2016 Wacs Conference

[Cameroon Tribune] Preparations are in high gear for the hosting by Cameroon of the 56th Annual Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, WACS, from February 14-20, 2016. WACS is a learned society that brings together seven surgery faculties … Continue reading

Epidemiological Surveillance – Cameroon Launches Training Programme

[Cameroon Tribune] Cameroon’s government is intensifying its efforts to prevent, follow-up and stop any health epidemic. In this light, the Minister of Public Health, André Mama Fouda, in the presence of the USA Ambassador to Cameroon, Michael S. Hoza and … Continue reading

Pad-Dayas Mounoume Trial – Defence Counsel Submit Final Submissions

[Cameroon Tribune] The trial at the Yaounde-based Special Criminal Court, SCC, of four people accused of embezzling FCFA FCFA 458.4 million from the Douala Ports Authority, PAD is gradually nearing completion. The sitting of June 4-5, 2015, was focussed on … Continue reading

About the UN Working Group On Arbitrary Detention

[Cameroon Tribune] The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on April 27, 2015, issued a statement on the arrest and detention in Yaounde of Cameroonian-born lawyer, Lydienne Yen-Eyoum. According to this largely advisory body of the United Nations’ human … Continue reading

E-Commerce, Opportunity to Explore

[Cameroon Tribune] When Cameroon opened up to three mobile telephone companies in the country last March with the possibility for them to all operate the much-heralded 3G+ services, the hope was that youth, in particular and all those interested in … Continue reading