Author Archives: admin

Benefits of Arbitration Discussed

[Cameroon Tribune] Having a case settled on time can save companies a great deal. Instead of going to court, which sometimes takes time and hinders work, people can have their cases settled by private individuals. The notion of arbitration and … Continue reading

Senate Scrutinizes Three Bills

[Cameroon Tribune] Three bills forwarded by the National Assembly to the Senate for second reading, were scrutinized yesterday June 24, 2015, in Yaounde by Foreign Affairs and Production and Trade Committees of the Senate. The first bill is to authorise … Continue reading

Beijing +20 – Cameroon Maps the Way Forward

[Cameroon Tribune] Three months after the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women which took place at United Nations Headquarters in New York, Cameroon’s Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, Marie-Therese Abena Ondoa née Obama, yesterday, … Continue reading

Voter Registration – Women Show Little Enthusiasm

[Cameroon Tribune] Officials of the elections management body, Elections Cameroon, ELECAM, are increasingly voicing their worry publicly over the little enthusiasm shown by women in the voters’ rolls revision process that started on January 2, 2015 and ends on August … Continue reading

Africa Vaccination Week Launched

[Cameroon Tribune] Media men in the West Region have been lectured on government’s policy on the African Vaccination Week, SAV, which is being celebrated this year on the theme, “Vaccination, source of life.” The one-day sensitization for media professionals in … Continue reading

Yaounde Emergency Centre Ready for Commissioning

[Cameroon Tribune] Inhabitants of the capital city, Yaounde, can now heave a sigh of relief. The recently constructed Yaounde Emergency Centre has now gone operational. The announcement was made by the Minister of Public Health, André Mama Fouda, after a … Continue reading

CNPS Trial – Ambella Bridget On the Run!

[Cameroon Tribune] The first hearing in the trial pitting the State of Cameroon and the National Social Insurance Fund (NSIF) against Ambella Bridget, took place at the Special Criminal Court in Yaounde on Wednesday June 24, 2015.

Improving the Battered Image

[Cameroon Tribune] There is no gainsaying that the Cameroon Police has over the years lost its credibility for several reasons, the most outstanding being allegations of corruption and extortion of money from members of the public. In order not to … Continue reading

Cameroun,Protestation contre la justice:Atangana Mebara n’a plus d’avocat :: CAMEROON

Cameroun,Protestation contre la justice:Atangana Mebara n’a plus d’avocat

Excédés par les « violations répétées des droits de la défense», Me Claude Assira et Me Françoise Ekani se sont déconstitués hier.Merci pour tout », glisse Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara à chacun de ses deux avocats.

Myfox brings its innovative security camera, home alarm, and French fashion sense to U.S. markets

One of Europe’s leading home-security providers is coming across the pond in a big way. The 10-year-old French manufacturer Myfox today announced the availability of its Myfox Home Security System and Myfox Security Camera at Amazon, Home Depot, and other … Continue reading