I Will Follow Into The Gentle Steps Of Bishop Lysinge – Coadjutor Bishop Of Mamfe

Rt. Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea, Coadjutor Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Mamfe says he has come to continue from where Bishop Francis Teke Lysinge stopped and not to start from the beginning. In this interview at the close of his colourful and spiritually packed Episcopal Ordination, Friday, August 23 2013 at the Mamfe Grand Stand, Mgr. Nkea said amongst other issues that his principal mission is to preach the word of God to all, no matter the denomination.


My Lord, what is going through your mind now (Friday, August 23 2013)?

Coadjutor Bishop of Mamfe Mgr Nkea moves out to bless the population

Coadjutor Bishop of Mamfe Mgr Nkea moves out to bless the population

I am overwhelmed by the love of Christ for His people and for His boundless and selfless love that He has chosen me to be the shepherd of His own flock. I will say that I am overwhelmed. I thank God, who created me and I thank God for giving me this opportunity to serve Him and mankind.

Your Episcopal Ordination has come at a time when the government of Cameroon is cracking down on illegal churches. How do you intend to manage the situation on the ground, considering that Mamfe Diocese, your area of jurisdiction, is a neighbour to Nigeria, where some of these churches originate?

A Bishop is a Bishop for all God’s people. I will preach the gospel to Catholics and non Catholics. For me, the important thing is that all should go to Heaven. That is why God has chosen me to be a Bishop. Whether somebody belongs to what church or not, my work is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them and I will preach to everybody, even to non Catholics.

How will you explain the enthusiasm shown by the population, the Christians towards your Episcopal ordination?

The enthusiasm from the people can only be a gift from God. It is God Himself who has put the spirit into the hearts of His people to celebrate the way they are celebrating. And in this people, I can see the glory of God showing itself and I can see the love of God on me, showing itself through these people.

Tell us more about the Diocese of Mamfe…

It is a young Diocese, which is 14 years old, founded by Bishop Francis Teke Lysinge. He has done a lot for the Diocese, worked and spent his energy, efforts, going down the valleys, climbing the hills, crossing the rivers to bring God’s words to His people. And coming to Mamfe, I will only follow into the gentle footsteps of Bishop Lysinge. I will continue from where he stopped. I have not come to start from the beginning.

What is the motto of your episcopacy and the significance?

It is In Spirit and in Truth, which is from the book of St. John, Chapter 4 Verse 24, which means that all worship can only be in spirit and in truth. Love, relationship can only be in spirit and in truth. Service for one another can only be in spirit and in truth, all that we do can only be inspired by the Holy Spirit. We cannot achieve anything, if we are not led by the spirit. We cannot achieve anything, if we do not ground it in the truth. The spirit, taking care of us and guiding us and we, working in the truth, for the truth and with the truth.

Interviewed By Walter Wilson Nana In Mamfe

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