Southwest Governor Assesses Preparations for Reunification


  • The Problem Of Water Is Really Preoccupying But Those In Charge Have Been Severely Warned
  • Throws weight Behind Reunification Cycling Race

By Bless Zoshe
Buea, Cameroon

The Governor of the Southwest region Bernard Okalia Bilai has reiterated that the region will be ready to welcome President Paul Biya for the 50th anniversary celebration billed for Buea in the months ahead.

In the following chat he had with iCameroon, Governor Okalia Bilai talks about how prepared Buea and the entire region is ahead of the celebration, the water crisis which remains a serious issue in Buea, the upcoming Reunification race “Grand Prix de la Reunification,” and more.


iCameroon:  Your Excellency, by your assessment, how are the preparations of the Reunification of Cameroon going on so far?

South West Region Governor Okalia Bilai

South West Region Governor Okalia Bilai

Governor: Thank you. The preparations are going on very well because all the projects related to the preparations have taken off. The execution is going on well, and we can estimate it at about 40%, particularly within the municipality; notably road infrastructure. For the hotels, the buildings have been completed, and we are now following up the equipment, and the recruitment of personnel. We still have other infrastructure like the open amphitheatre, and the Reunification Monument. But the main ones necessary for the organization of the event, like the Grand Stand, are ready, so we can say Buea is preparing well and within a few months, we would be able to host the event because when you have the hotels, the Grand Stand, and the Presidential residences, then we are almost ready. It is true that we still have problems with electricity and water but I think those ones will be ready in one month as promised. So in all, we can say the town will be quite ready in a few months.

iCameroon: Your Excellency, about electricity and water, despite several meetings and warnings from your office, water particularly has continued to be a problem. Now we see digging everywhere, what is the situation?

Governor: Yes, we have some worries with the companies in charge of water; CAMWATER and CDE. But during our last meeting presided over by the Chairman of the National Organizing Committee; the Minister Director of the Civil Cabinet, they were severely warned that within a few weeks, we don’t want to be talking about the problem of water since all the means and necessary measures have been put at the disposal of those enterprises for over a year now. We believe that they understood, and are doing everything possible to make sure that all corners of Buea have water. We are at the foot of the mountain, if we don’t have water from those companies, it is difficult for individuals to dig wells. So, the problem of water is really preoccupying but those in charge of that sector have been severely warned, and I hope they have understood.

iCameroon: Your Excellency, what do you think the “Grand Prix de la Reunification” will add to the 50th Anniversary Celebration?

  Governor: It will add many things. When I was informed about the race, I was happy because the 50th anniversary celebration should not only be seen the day the Head of State comes to Buea; it is an event, and as such, there should be events which involve the population before, during, and even after. So this race will sensitize the population of the Southwest and Littoral Regions, and everyone else on the event. You know that since our region is hosting the celebration, we just focus on ensuring that the projects go on smoothly. But we have not yet decided on aspects like sports and socio-cultural activities. So the “Grand Prix de la Reunification” is very welcome, and will assist us sensitize the population and tell them that “the celebration is already here, and that other events should follow!”

iCameroon: Sir, any particular push or support from the authorities?

Governor: First of all, they have our encouragements, our blessings, and all the facilities we can put at the disposal of the organizers. And if the means are available, we will not hesitate to do more. But they should know that we are happy about the event, and they have our full support.

iCameroon: Your message to the organizers and the entire population?

Governor: To the organizer, the main message is to be serious because if the population does not give their support, the organizers will think they are wasting their time. In the past, we noticed that some of those events were not Ok in terms of organization. We want the organizers to be serious so that the population is not disappointed. To the population, this event is not like the others. They should just wait at their door steps.

They should come out amass and support, cheer the cyclists. It is not like a football match where you have to go to the stadium; come out, stand in front of your door and cheer the cyclists.

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