Sr. Magaret Mary Celebrates 25years in Sisterhood

By Walter Wilson Nana
Buea, Cameroon.

The Bishop of Buea Diocese has told the Religious and Priests in his Diocese that the religious vocation is a special grace from God. Mgr. Immanuel Bushu made the reminder Saturday, May 11 2013 during his sermon at the 25th anniversary mass for Rev.Sr. Margaret Mary Dione Ajebe-Sone in the religious profession.

He entreated all the Religious, Priests to understand what vocations are all about, show the good example and lead in others in the vocations. “Let people see you different not for the glory of your family, yourself but for the glory of God.”

Mgr Bushu & Sr Magaret Mary after the 25th anniversary mass.

Mgr Bushu & Sr Magaret Mary after the 25th anniversary mass.

According to Bishop Bushu, when you are called to God’s vocation, you live with Him. “It’s God’s gift,” he said. “Not all are called to the religious but in other places. So, let’s follow what we’re called to do,” he added.

Mgr. Bushu said God has made us for himself and without Him the human being is nothing. “When we’re with God, we’re God. If we trust God, nothing is impossible,” he noted.

The Bishop reminded Sr. Margaret Mary her role is to work for others, live a life of poverty, obedience and chastity; a spouse for the church. “There is no easy life in the Religious and Priesthood. You are called to serve everywhere in the world,” Mgr Bushu said.

Rev.Sr. Jacky Atabong, Vicar General of Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Congregation said Sr. Magaret Mary’s 25 years in the religious profession is that of dedicated service, describing Sr. Magaret Mary, who is the Principal of Our Lady of Mount Carmel College, Muea, Buea, as a fun lover and community builder.

OPSA march during offertory procession of 25 anniversary mass.

OPSA march during offertory procession of 25 anniversary mass.


Sr. Jacky thanked Sr. Magaret Mary for sharing her life with Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and living in community.

The Vicar General announced that their congregation is 50 years come June 23 2013 and they are 63 of them in the community.

Dr. Ajebe-Sone of the University of Ngaoundere, family head of the Ajebe-Sones saw in her younger sister a woman who is meticulous and always ready to serve, while thanking God for giving them a Rev.Sr and a Rev.Fr in their family.

Reacting to the beautiful package put together for her 25th anniversary in the profession,

Students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel College celebrate 25th aniversary mass.

Students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel College celebrate 25th aniversary mass.

Sr. Magaret Mary said it is all grace, expressing gratitude to all who have supported her so far.

On the challenges, she noted; “Leaving behind one’s family, possible opportunities and embracing Jesus Christ totally is not easy. It entails a lot of sacrifices. My vow of chastity, which I have renewed, after 25 years, does not limit my love to a man but opens my heart to love all. I am challenged to be a sister and mother to all those I work with. I am obliged to be exemplary in all I do because many people are looking up to me. The consolation is that when God calls, He gives also the graces to help us cope.”

During the celebrations, some Christians received the sacrament of confirmation from Mgr Immanuel Bushu.

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