Votary Gets on the Silver Screen

By Walter Wilson Nana
Buea, Cameroon

There is no stopping for the Cameroonian movie industry. Votary, an all Cameroonian cast and crew movie has been released.

Votary, produced by Hom Breeze Management was released recently in Buea during a red carpet ceremony at the Eta Palace Hotel.

Votary by Hom Breeze Management

Votary by Hom Breeze Management

According to Votary’s Director, Billy Bob Ndive Lifongo, the film is about a young man who indulges himself into three separate entities; the church, the brotherhood and traditional secret societies. His message, he added is for young people to be hard working, stay focus and believe in God. “Do not amass wealth from dubious sources as the Protagonist in Votary did,” the Director advised.

Votary has a cast and crew of about fifty persons, with Francis Nche as the Executive Producer. The Director of Photography is François Tanko. The line up of performers include; Jeff Epule, Solange Yijika, Terence Eyong, Valerie Chifor, Lovett Lino and His Royal Highness Chief Mokossa of Bwitingi village in Buea.

Votary, produced on high definition pictures, is currently being distributed in Cameroon and abroad by Grace Marketing & Distribution Agency and Magic Touch Videos, Buea.

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