Cameroon: Nigerian Diplomat Tells Compatriots To Look Beyond Resident Permit

Walter Wilson Nana
Buea, Cameroon.

“I know how creative and hardworking you all are. You are bigger than the document called Resident Permit.” This was the plea made by the Nigerian High Commissioner to Cameroon, Her Excellency Hadiza Mustapha during the Limbe lap of her familiarization tour to the Southwest Region, where she has been meeting and talking to fellow compatriots.

The Nigerian diplomat was responding to the problem of “Resident Permit” which was said to be one of the major problems faced by Nigerians in Limbe as was presented to her by the Nigerian Union President, Chief Donatus Odirichuku.

Family pic of the Nigerian delegation and that of the Southwest Governor

Family pic of the Nigerian delegation and that of the Southwest Governor

A Resident Permit document stands at FCFA 120,000 for both Nigerian residents and other African nationals in Cameroon. After the acquisition of a Resident Permit, a visitor will live on for a period of two years before renewing for the same amount if he or she wishes to continue staying in Cameroon.

Secretary General, Southwest Governor's office Clement Fon Ndikum welcomes Hadiza while Governor Okalia Bilai looks onrs office Clement Fon Ndikum welcomes Hadiza while Governor Okalia Bilai looks on

Secretary General, Southwest Governor's office Clement Fon Ndikum welcomes Hadiza while Governor Okalia Bilai looks onrs office Clement Fon Ndikum welcomes Hadiza while Governor Okalia Bilai looks on

But the Nigerian community in Cameroon has over the years continued to complain about the cost of this document, saying it is not within the reach of many of their compatriots resident in Cameroon.

Like many of the past union presidents, Chief Odirichuku and Chief Collins Onyenlor of Bekumu told Hadiza that she should use her good office to convince the government of Cameroon to, among other things reduce the amount, exempt Nigerian children born in Cameroon from the levy as well as increase the benefit-time frame from two to five years.

But Hadiza told her fellow compatriots that she is aware of the problem and that their government and the government of Cameroon were already in discussions.

However, she urged the Nigerian Community, whom she said she knew majority of them were a business lot, not to spend more time only brooding over problems of resident permit but to move on with their daily chores. “You should consider and treat the issue of Resident Permit as part and parcel of your business investment,” she noted.

Akan, Hadiza, Major Mohamadou head of the Cameroonian Rapid Intervention Unit set for take off to Bamusso-Bekumu

Akan, Hadiza, Major Mohamadou head of the Cameroonian Rapid Intervention Unit set for take off to Bamusso-Bekumu

She will let her Nigerian kindred understand that they were coming from a country that is revered as the giant of Africa. “Please! think big. Do not spend more time only looking at problems.

Nigeria as a giant in Africa and showing leadership means that you should show a good example. Obey the laws before complaining; be good guests,” Hadiza advised.

SDO for Fako and Hdiza say Cameroon and Nigeria are bound to live together

SDO for Fako and Hdiza say Cameroon and Nigeria are bound to live together

She enjoined Nigerians to consider Cameroon as their home and start doing things that will be beneficial to their own lots here. “I want us to be beneficial migrants. This is your home. I want that when next I come, I should hear that you have built a school, hospital for your communities here,” she said.

She appreciated Nigerian youths in Limbe for a good display of their culture and entreated the Nigerian Union leadership in Limbe and elsewhere in Cameroon to put in place youth development programmes. “I want you to take the policy of youth development very seriously. Teach them our culture, values and know that we have to provide opportunities for our youths who are the future of our tomorrow,” She said. “I do not want you to ignore the youths,” she added.

Icameroon's Walter Wilson Nana on board a flying boat of the Cameroon Rapid Intervention Unit braving the odds to get to Bamusso-Bekumu to get the news

Icameroon's Walter Wilson Nana on board a flying boat of the Cameroon Rapid Intervention Unit braving the odds to get to Bamusso-Bekumu to get the news

There are about four million Nigerians in Cameroon and many of them are into business, agriculture and fish farming especially in the coastal areas like Limbe, Idenau and the Bakassi peninsula.

While many are members of the different Nigerian unions, there are also many who are not part of the union. Hadiza advised that all of them should endeavour to join the unions because it is only through these unions that their government can easily come in to assist them or address their worries.

At the Bamusso and Bekumu stopovers in Ndian Division, Hadiza’s message to the huge Nigerian communities out there did not change; “Let the Resident Permit issue not hinder you and your business. Get it and move ahead,” she noted. She promised to support projects that are beneficial to all in the community, with the respective communities making its own contributions. “Let Nigerians put their hands together and unite,” she added.

Bamusso Chief does a libation to bless Hadiza her delegation as they embark on a tour of the region

Bamusso Chief does a libation to bless Hadiza her delegation as they embark on a tour of the region

Earlier, Hadiza made courtesy calls to the Governor, Southwest Region, Bernard Okalia Bilai, SDO of Fako, Zang III, the Government Delegate to the Limbe City Council, Andrew Mojimba Motanga, the DO of Bamusso, Joseph Ndille, the Mayor of Bamusso, Emmanuel Njaba Nsangi and the Chief of Bamusso. To these authorities, she expressed the need to promote economic developments for Cameroon and Nigeria, while inviting Nigerians to exploit all the opportunities available in Cameroon and vice-versa.

To the SDO of Fako, Cameroon and Nigeria are condemned to live together, promote their respective cultures, trade and their relationship.Motanga told Hadiza, Limbe has a good population of Nigerians and they are well established in the municipality.

The diplomat was accompanied through her tour to Limbe, Bamusso and Bekumu by the Nigerian Consul General to the Southwest and Northwest Regions of Cameroon, HE Mohammed Akan , the President of the Nigerian Union in Cameroon, Andrew Essien, among other collaborators.

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