Buea Diocese To Host Year Of Faith Celebrations

Walter Wilson Nana
Buea, Cameroon.

The Diocese of Buea will host the end of the year of faith celebrations as proposed by the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon. This is the kernel of a press conference Mgr. Immanuel Bushu, Bishop of Buea, granted, Saturday 21 2013 at the Bishop House.

The Prelate told journalists that His Holiness, Benedict XVI decreed the year of faith to be observed the world over by Catholic Christians from October 4 2012 to November 24 2013. He explained that many religious activities were listed to be carried out at different levels both internationally and nationally, aimed at reaffirming the Christian faith.

Mgr. Immanuel Bushu Bishop of Buea Diocese

Mgr. Immanuel Bushu Bishop of Buea Diocese

According to the Shepherd of Buea Diocese after one year of such activities at the national level, the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon has set aside the period from Thursday, October 3 to Saturday, October 5 2013 for celebrations marking the close of the year of faith in Cameroon. “Buea Diocese, the first Catholic Diocese in Cameroon, has being chosen to host the events, which started in Mamfe, have being ongoing across Cameroon and now the apotheosis will be in the Regina Pacis Cathedral in Small Soppo, Buea, Southwest Region.

While defining faith as a free gift from God and grace, Mgr. Bushu said Pope Benedict XVI was motivated by the fact that one cannot have faith without works of charity towards mankind. He noted that faith does not die. “We have to act, do things and live our faith rigorously. We are celebrating the end that gives birth to a new beginning. It is a new lease of life to our faith, belief in Jesus Christ and God. For us as Christians in Buea Diocese, it is an opportunity to look at ourselves,” Mgr. Bushu mentioned.

On how faith has being exhibited on the ground across Buea Diocese and Cameroon, Bishop Bushu said individuals have being doing things for themselves, their families, communities and the nation in general.

He entreated pilgrims who will be coming to the celebrations in Buea and those who may not make it to know that belief in Christ must be in union.

Mgr. Bushu will disagree with a worry that the church is not moving along with technology, saying “the church is not against technological evolution, but man has idolised the material things. Material things are meant to help but not to derail mankind. They are good things but they are not God,” he cautioned.

This celebration, which shall be a unique coming together of the Catholic Church in Cameroon, shall bring together more than seven thousand worshippers, including the Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, Mgr. Piero Pioppo, all the thirty three Bishops of Cameroon, delegates from all the twenty five dioceses in Cameroon and special guests.

The programme highlights include; arrival and registration of delegates on Thursday, October 3 2013 at Regina Pacis Cathedral, Small Soppo, Buea. Friday, October 4, there shall be a discourse on the year of faith, followed by workshops, a plenary session and Solemn Vespers. Saturday, October 5, there shall be a Solemn Mass beginning at 9:00am at the Regina Pacis Cathedral premises, greetings from the Bishop of Buea, a closing address from the President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon, Mgr. Samuel Kleda, Archbishop of Douala and a communiqué from the Secretariat of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon.

Mrs Rosaline Menga, President of the Council of Celebrations, Diocese of Buea said the organising committee for the celebrations is set and work is progressing. “We hope to have a successful celebration and event in the days ahead. Those who are supposed to be in Buea have being informed already,” she reassured.

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