Most Rev. Andrew Nkea Ordained Coadjutor Bishop Of Mamfe

Walter Wilson Nana
Mamfe, Cameroon.

Rt. Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea, who was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Mamfe Diocese by Pope Francis on July 10 2013 has been ordained. The solemn yet colourful Episcopal Ordination rite took place Friday, August 23 2013 at the Mamfe Grand stand.

Chief celebrant of the Pontifical Mass that brought together 22 Bishops and more than 200 priests, Archbishop Piero Pioppo, the Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, in his sermon, described the Diocese of Mamfe as beautiful, shepherded by Mgr. Francis Teke Lysinge and supported by Bishop Emeritus of Buea, Pius Suh Awa and the Bishop of Buea, Immanuel Bushu.

Coadjutor elect Mgr Nkea (middle) being accompanied by fellow priests during the procession

Coadjutor elect Mgr Nkea (middle) being accompanied by fellow priests during the procession

His Grace Pioppo said Mgr. Nkea has become the serving guide of his people, noting that the Coadjutor Bishop has to accomplish his new mission with faith and love, along with Mgr. Lysinge. “And when the time will come he (Mgr. Nkea) will succeed Mgr. Lysinge,” the Vatican envoy mentioned.

According to the Prelate, God has chosen Mgr. Nkea because He has confidence in him, adding that like God told Jeremiah, he (Mgr. Nkea) should not be afraid, for He is with him. He mentioned that God has a road map for Mgr. Nkea as He has for all of us, while entreating the Coadjutor Bishop to remain faithful in God’s teaching.

He will outline the task ahead of Mgr. Nkea, which include; freeing the people of God from bondage, noting that the God that called him is the God that will be with him till the end of time. “Do not be afraid, for God has instilled in you a supernatural energy to tackle the daunting challenges of your new office,” the Nuncio told Mgr. Nkea.

Mgr. Lysinge (L), Mgr. Bushu principal consecrators of Coadjutor elect

Mgr. Lysinge (L), Mgr. Bushu principal consecrators of Coadjutor elect

He invited Mgr. Nkea to make the people of Mamfe beautiful in the eyes of God, fight against tribalism, injustice, do away with evil, break down the wall of misunderstanding and ensure that the fullness of God remain with the people of Mamfe Diocese. He added; “verify the authenticity of charisms and other structures of the church and harmonise them in peace.”

The Nuncio thanked Mgr. Nkea’s mother, Caroline Nanyi Lekunze, present the ceremony, for encouraging her son in his priestly endeavour.

He saw in Mgr. Lysinge a tireless Bishop, serving his people in all ways and travelled the length and breadth of Mamfe Diocese to bring the gospel of the Lord. “My Lord, thank you for all you have done,” he said.

To The Christians

The Nuncio consecrates Coadjutor elect kneeling

The Nuncio consecrates Coadjutor elect kneeling

His Grace Pioppo told them nothing can be done in the church if the Bishops are ignored. “We have to help the Bishop realise his mission, especially praying for him and accepting that he will serve all of us in joy and authority. The Bishop should love all his lamb and know them one by one,” he advised.

He asked God to grant Mgr. Nkea all the necessary graces to exercise his new responsibilities in sickness and in health, in good and bad times, while enjoining him to be an example for his flock, desist from any human interest, ensure order and be a servant; for his is a holy service.

Mgr. Sebastian Behon leads the procession of Bishops

Mgr. Sebastian Behon leads the procession of Bishops

He said Mgr. Nkea is not only a wise man but he is the sacrament of the presence of Christ. “He comes as a servant for all, to help you with the best of his ability get to the fullness of grace, authority and the love of Christ. Receive him with respect, love and high esteem.”

Pioppo told Christians to reinforce unity in the church, instil hope and charity, while indicating that Mgr. Nkea is a pastor of the one and only Catholic Church.

President of the National Episcopal Conference, His Grace Samuel Kleda, Archbishop of Douala, wished Mgr. Nkea the best in his new ministry and welcomed him in the conference of Bishops.

Response From Mgr. Nkea

Mgr. Befe (L) Mgr Bayemi share light moments  during the procession

Mgr. Befe (L) Mgr Bayemi share light moments during the procession

While joining the Psalmist to sing; “How Can I Repay The Lord For His Goodness To Me…” Mgr. Nkea thanked God for qualifying him to share in the light of saints.

He expressed gratitude to Pope Francis for appointing him the first Bishop in Cameroon, following his election into the Vatican, promising to do his best, stand up to the challenges and to make the people of Mamfe Diocese and the church in Cameroon proud. “My priority is to preach and preach the gospel.”

Mgr. Nkea wished that the assistance shown to him as a priest should continue now as a Bishop, calling for nonstop prayers for him so that he too can gain access into Heaven. “Pray for me daily for my faith to be strong,” he requested.

Spritely looking guests at the episcopal ordination

Spritely looking guests at the episcopal ordination

To the people of Mamfe Diocese he told them; “Here I come, I am one of you. We will contribute to make Mamfe Diocese truly beautiful in the eyes of God”, while thanking Cardinal Christian Tumi for having accepted him for his retreat in Douala before his Episcopal ordination.

He paid tribute to Bishop Emeritus of Buea, Awa, Bishop Bushu and Bishop Lysinge respectively for guiding him up to where he is now.

The Coadjutor Bishop showed appreciation to the members of government in and out of Mamfe and acknowledged the special relationship between the church and the state. “The state gives us civil protection and we give back our prayers and spiritual guidance.”

Mgr. Samuel Kleda(L), Cardinal Christian Tumi in the procession

Mgr. Samuel Kleda(L), Cardinal Christian Tumi in the procession

The former priest of Buea Diocese remembered his deceased father, Pa Vincent Ivo Nkea, whom he said was watching the ceremony from Heaven.

A communiqué from the Bishops of the Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference, BAPEC, read at the ceremony indicated amongst other issues that Rev. Fr. Joe Awoh, a priest from Buea Diocese takes over from Mgr. Nkea as the Registrar of CATUC, Bamenda.

Amongst the 22 Bishops and Bishops Emeritus who were present in Mamfe are; principal consecrators of Mgr. Nkea – Mgr Bushu and Mgr. Lysinge alongside Mgr. Piero Pioppo, Cardinal Tumi, Mgr. Samuel Kleda, Mgr. Cornelius Fontem of Bamenda, Mgr. Sosthene Bayemi of Obala, Mgr. Joseph Befe Ateba of Kribi, Mgr. George Nkuo of Kumbo, Mgr. Agapitus Nfon of Bamenda, Bishop John from Ogoja, Nigeria, Mgr. Jean Bosco Ntep of Edea, Mgr. Dieudonne Espoir  Atangana from Nkongsamba, Mgr. Adalbert Ndzana from Mbalmayo, Mgr. Jean Marie Bala from Bafia, Mgr. Christophe Zoa from Sangmelima, Mgr. Athanase Mballa, Bishop Emeritus of Bafia, Mgr. Pius Awa, Bishop Emeritus of Buea, Mgr. Joseph Atanga from Bertoua, Mgr. Roger Pirenne, Archbishop Emeritus of Bertoua, Mgr. Antoine Ntalou from Garoua and Mgr. Barthelemy Yaouda from Yagoua.


L-R Ma Catherine Nkea step mother of Mgr Nkea Barrister Nkea brother Ma Caroline Lekunze mother of Mgr. Nkea

L-R Ma Catherine Nkea step mother of Mgr Nkea Barrister Nkea brother Ma Caroline Lekunze mother of Mgr. Nkea

Senator Charles Mbella Moki from Buea was upbeat that Mgr. Nkea is going to make it in Mamfe as a Bishop. “Bishop Nkea is someone I know very well. I have a good knowledge of his person and abilities. He has a lot of respect for his predecessor and so he will integrate very well. This is an indicator that continuity is guaranteed. He relies so much in God and when you cast your lots and energy to God, He will not let you down,” he quipped.

Mrs Kate Fotso found in the Episcopal Ordination a wonderful day. “God has done great things for our brother and pastor, Andrew Nkea.  I am overwhelmed with joy. We have known ourselves from when he was a seminarian in Bishop Rogan Minor Seminary in Buea. They all took my mother as their mother. He is God’s servant in God’s vineyard, whatever we can do to support the work of God, we should do it. God has given us talents in various ways; we should use them for His glory.”

L-R Senator Njifua, Manyu SDO Peter Tieh,  Nde Adolf Lele more

L-R Senator Njifua, Manyu SDO Peter Tieh, Nde Adolf Lele more

Barrister Nkea, brother to Mgr. Nkea, while shedding tears of joy, wondered how their deceased father would have felt watching his son ordained a Bishop. He said it is a God-given day and the family has never been looking forward to it.

Step mother of Bishop Nkea, Mama Catherine Nkea felt elated that God has lifted their family. “There is nothing much to say. God is at the centre of all we do in the family. We have never imagined if this could have happened. It is all God’s creation. We have dedicated him to God and pray endlessly that he should see nothing but success. No evil will cross his path.”

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