Development Agency Gets New Board Members

Walter Wilson Nana 
Buea, Cameroon.

The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Public Contacts, Abba Sadou has appointed new members for the Internal Tender Board of the Southwest Development Agency, SOWEDA. This is the content of Ministerial Decision No: 142/D/MINMAP/SG/DAJ of July 30 2013.

According to the SOWEDA Internal Tender Board set up by Order No: 003/A/MINMAP/SG/DAJ of  March 20 2013, the following persons have been designated; Joseph Mbeng Tambe, Chairperson. Members include; Christian Cyrille Tsoumbou, representing the Ministry of Public Contracts, Williams Tuva Njie, representative of the Ministry of Finance, Kange Elinge of SOWEDA and Emade Ewang, Secretary of the Board.

Members of SOWEDA

Members of SOWEDA

Sitting in for the SOWEDA GM at the installation ceremony, Peter Epie Ngalle, Interim Director of the SOWEDA Monitoring and Evaluation Department said the Tenders Board is a technical support structure placed under a contracting authority for the award of contracts. He will add that the Board is set up to oversee the principle of freedom of access to public procurement, equal treatment of candidates and transparent procedures.

Citing Decree No: 2013/271 of August 5 2013, giving tenders boards a wider scope of intervention, Ngalle said the SOWEDA Internal Tenders Board is equated to Ministerial Tenders Board. “It will have the competence to study tenders files and make proposals for the award of contracts covering FCFA 5 million and below  FCFA 5 billion for road works.

SOWEDA Internal Board Members at the installation ceremony in the SOWEDA Board room Buea

SOWEDA Internal Board Members at the installation ceremony in the SOWEDA Board room Buea

Contracts equal to FCFA 5 million and below FCFA 1 billion for other infrastructures. Contracts worth FCFA 5 million and below FCFA 250 million for general procurement and contracts worth FCFA 5 million and below FCFA 100 million for services and consultancy,” he mentioned.

The Joseph Mbeng led Board has taken over from that headed by Mrs Eyere Takor after two years of operations. “Therefore, you are enjoined to show uprightness and exceptional moral attitudes as you carry on with your responsibilities. Go on with your assignments in strict respect of the regulations in force,” Ngalle advised.

Ngalle entreated the Board members to award contracts to the best bidders, avoid corruption, be transparent and not give in into any pressure, no matter the individual(s) or institution(s).

Internal Board Members represenative of SOWEDA

Internal Board Members represenative of SOWEDA

New SOWEDA Internal Board Chair, Mbeng said he was aware of the task ahead of him and the members. “I don’t know all but I am not naive either. We have to ensure transparency in the award of contracts and not out of favouritism or corruption. I do not know about pressure in all domains. We will work according to the regulations guiding public contracts in Cameroon.”

To users of their services, contractors, business operators, Mbeng said; “We have come to do our best. Our predecessors gave in their all, we will do same.”

The chairperson, members and secretary of the Board are designated for a two-year mandate, renewable once.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 40 of Decree No: 2012/2074 of March 8 2012 on the setting up, organisation and functioning of tenders boards, the chair, members and secretary shall be entitled to a sitting allowance, whose rates are fixed by a separate instrument.

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